宁卓,女,博士,森林资源博士,南京林业大学经济管理学院副教授、硕士生导师,南京林业大学数字林业与绿色发展研究院研究人员。现任南京林业大学农林经济系系主任。国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部三处评审专家;中国林业经济学会林产品贸易专业委员会副秘书长;中国林业经济学会国家公园与自然保护区专业委员会副秘书长;长期担任《Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research》、《Forests》、 《Scientific Reports》、《Carbon Management》等期刊审稿人。
长期从事林业经济管理领域的综合研究和教学工作,聚焦森林参与减缓气候变化、林业管理策略优化和林产品贸易等领域的理论与政策实践研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,教育部人文社科基金项目1项。在《Forest Policy and Economics》、《Journal of Forest Economics》、《Land Economics》、《Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research》、《自然资源学报》和《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》等国内外重要学术报刊发表学术论文20余篇,并参与了多部教材的编写和出版工作。
2023.08-至今 南京林业大学,数字林业与绿色发展研究院,研究人员
2016.08-至今 南京林业大学经济管理学院,讲师/副教授,硕士生导师
2010.08-2015.12 密西西比州立大学林业系,研究助理
2009.09-2010.06 天津市西青区农林局,科员
[1] 主持在研教育部人文社会科学基金青年基金项目“基于碳汇生命周期的森林资源管理策略优化机制研究(22YJC790091)”2022.03-2025.03(纵向)
[2] 主持完成国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“林产品贸易碳平衡的国际博弈:体系建构与机理研究(71703069)”2018.1-2020.12(纵向)
[3] 主持完成国家发改委环资司碳达峰碳中和委托项目“生态系统固碳增汇研究”,2022.09-2023.02(横向)
[1] Zhang Nan, Ning Zhuo, Zhang Han, Yang Hongqiang. Optimal rotation period of populus plantations considering multiple carbon pools and carbon cap policies in jiangsu, east China. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. 2023;96(2):249-263. (SCI/SSCI)
[2] Yu Zhihan, Ning Zhuo, Chang Wei-Yew, Chang Sun Joseph, Yang Hongqiang. Optimal harvest decisions for the management of carbon sequestration forests under price uncertainty and risk preferences. Forest Policy and Economics. 2023;151:102957. (SCI)
[3] Liao Xinxin, Ning Zhuo (通讯作者). Welfare implications of border carbon adjustments on the trade of harvested wood products. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023;20(1):790. (SCI/SSCI)
[4] Liu Qian, Ning Zhuo (通讯作者). Impact of global supply chain crisis on chinese forest product enterprises: Trade trends and literature review. Forests. 2023;14(6):1247. (SCI)
[5] Zhai Jun, Ning Zhuo, Dahal Ram, Yang Shaoyang. Wildfire susceptibility of land use and topographic features in the western united states: Implications for the landscape management. Forests. 2023;14(4):807. (SCI)
[6] Li Xi, Ning Zhuo, Yang Hongqiang. A review of the relationship between China's key forestry ecology projects and carbon market under carbon neutrality. Trees, Forests and People. 2022;9:100311.
[7] Peng Ting, Ning Zhuo (通讯作者), Yang Hongqiang. Embodied CO2 in China’s trade of harvested wood products based on an MRIO model. Ecological Indicators. 2022;137. (SCI)
[8] Pan Wenqi, Chang Wei-Yew, Wu Ting, Zhang Han, Ning Zhuo, Yang Hongqiang. Impacts of the China-US trade restrictions on the global forest sector: A bilateral trade flow analysis. Forest Policy and Economics. 2021;123. (SCI/SSCI)
[9] Pan Wenqi, Kim Man-Keun, Ning Zhuo, Yang Hongqiang. Carbon leakage in energy/forest sectors and climate policy implications using meta-analysis. Forest Policy and Economics. 2020;115:102161. (SCI/SSCI)
[10] Geng Aixin, Ning Zhuo, Zhang Han, Yang Hongqiang. Quantifying the climate change mitigation potential of China’s furniture sector: Wood substitution benefits on emission reduction. Ecological Indicators. 2019;103:363-372. (SCI)
[11] Ning Zhuo, Sun Changyou. Carbon sequestration and biofuel production on forestland under three stochastic prices. Forest Policy and Economics. 2019;109:102018. (SCI/SSCI)
[12] Ning Zhuo, Sun Changyou. Forest management with wildfire risk, prescribed burning and diverse carbon policies. Forest Policy and Economics. 2017;75:95-102. (SCI/SSCI)
[13] Ning Zhuo, Sun Changyou. Vertical price transmission in timber and lumber markets. Journal of Forest Economics. 2014;20(1):17-32. (SCI/SSCI)
[14] Sun Changyou, Ning Zhuo. Timber restrictions, financial crisis, and price transmission in North American softwood lumber markets. Land Economics. 2014;90(2):306-323. (SSCI)
[15] 储安婷, 宁卓 (通讯作者), 杨红强. 林业碳汇对人工林最优轮伐期的影响--以杉木和落叶松为例. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版). 2023;47(3):225-233. (CSCD)
[16] 孙思宇, 宁卓 (通讯作者). 采伐政策风险对人工林最优轮伐期的影响. 林业经济. 2023;45(03):66-78.
[17] 余智涵, 宁卓, 杨红强. 随机价格下杉木人工林的碳汇收益及最优轮伐期确定. 自然资源学报. 2022;37(03):753-768. (CSSCI)
[18] 廖鑫鑫, 宁卓 (通讯作者). 基于碳关税的林产品贸易博弈分析. 中国林业经济. 2021;4:57-59+63.
[19] 彭婷, 宁卓 (通讯作者). 木质林产品贸易中碳流动的边境调节——碳关税的启示与争议. 世界林业研究. 2021;34(04):118-123. (CSCD)
[20] 王志烩, 宁卓 (通讯作者). 贸易冲突下的中国人造板在美市场竞争力研究——以胶合板为例. 林业经济. 2020;42(07):62-69.
[21] 张楠, 宁卓, 杨红强. 弗斯曼模型及其广义改进:基于林地期望值评估方法学演进. 林业经济. 2020;42(10):3-15.